We accelerate science to save more lives
Dante Omics is a leading global genomics and precision medicine company working to deliver better healthcare and save lives with a more human approach to health.
We work with customers across 97 countries and we create customized genomic analysis processes that have an impact on people’s lives.
We leverage genome sequencing technology and interpretation so that everyone can make informed decisions about their health and their future.
We use our proprietary genomic platform, based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, capable of integrating and optimizing all resources and information, creating important synergies for our stakeholders.
You will help people make the decisions that matter most to their health.
CNN at Dante Labs
Why choose Whole Genome Sequencing?
Whole Genome Sequencing is the only genetic test that can decipher the whole DNA, including intronic and exonic regions.
Dante Omics offers personalized coverages of whole genome (human, bacteria, plants, animals), picking up more valuable genomic information.
The 30X coverage provides with more information about genetic profile that you may have missed with other genetic tests.
Don't miss the opportunity to get the most advanced technology for research and medical practice.

About us
Dante Omics is a leading global genomics and precision medicine company working to accelerate science to deliver better healthcare and ultimately save lives with a more human approach to health.
A New Approach to Human Health
Featured in
Financial Times
Top #25 fastest growing companies in Europe.
CNN chooses Dante Labs to report on the world of genomics.
What makes us different

Fully Customizable
Dante Omics solutions are fully customizable in all features; you can choose the sequencing platform, the turnaround time, the coverage, the bioinformatics pipeline, and the sample collection method.
End-to-End solution
You will receive an end-to-end solution, including easy ordering, data delivery via cloud, logistics, reliable and quality results in a short time, PhD-level support, and customer support.
Accessible Data and Privacy
Download your data when you want, where you want, and get actionable insights for today and the future. All data is processed according to the EU GDPR regulations and HIPAA.
We don't share nor sell data.

Genome Manager Platform
The Genome Manager Platform is our proprietary platform that allows you to register your kit or those of your patients, monitor the step-by-step genome analysis, and receive the results.
Dante Omics’ Testimonials
We sincerely thank Doctor Ergin for his commitment to raising awareness of the vital role of genetics in people's health. His valuable support has been instrumental in promoting the simplicity of our test and the quality of the results.